Saturday, June 21, 2014

Yellow & Black

This was second of my short movie ideas.
There’s a fair going on in an Indian village, where a bunch of people painted in Yellow and Black are doing the traditional Tiger dance.A lady has come to this village along with her little boy to show him the place where she grew up in.

Image credit:

Looking at the dancers, the kid asks,

Kid : who are they?
Mom : They are Tiger dancers.

Kid: why are they painted like that?
Mom: because that is the color of Tigers.

Kid: What is a Tiger?
Mom: It's an animal that used to exist.

Kid: Where are they now?
Mom: !!!

It may be too late,  next generation may not get the chance to even see the REAL TIGERS
So Save Our Tigers

All ideas and content are owned by the author. You are welcome to share it after giving due credit to the source.

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