Sunday, June 22, 2014


This was the last idea which I had written for the short movies.

A typical middle class Indian family enjoying their early morning coffee reading the morning news paper, the son goes near the kitchen and asks her mom for 100 Rupees, which the father who’s sitting on his easy chair hears and screams at the son, “ Idiot you're 24 now, go get a life, earn your bread”. The son walks out of the house furiously.

He comes out of his house puts his hand to search for some money in his pocket, but finds only a 5 rupee note. As he moves on the road he finds a 100 rupee note lying on the ground. He looks around, and slowly picks it up, and happily moves ahead making his mind to have a sumptuous breakfast.

On his way he sees a small boy of about 10 years polishing shoes of a guy dressed in a suit, when the guy offers money for the polish he keeps in front of him a small piggy bank on which it's written “My school Fees”. He just puts a couple of rupees and goes away.

This guy goes near the kid, takes out that 100 rupee note that he found and puts it into the piggy bank.
He also puts his own 5 rupee into the piggy bank.
The kid asks "sab polish" and looks at his feet.
The guy is just wearing flip flops.
He smiles at the kid, pats his head and moves ahead.

Then the credit rolls out
Where we say
“Good things happen, YOU are just a medium”

1st good thing- The boy getting enough money for his fees
2nd – The guy realizes if a small boy can earn his money by self employment, why can’t he!

All ideas and content are owned by the author. You are welcome to share it after giving due credit to the source.


This is also one of the ideas which I wrote in a light vein.

Scene 1 :

Engineering class room
A guy dressed in funky jeans with pierced ears and a goatee, is sitting in his engineering examination hall.
He slowly opens his shirt's sleeve and picks a chit and copies it into his answer sheet.
Then he takes out a chit from his socks and his collar, he copies that as well to his answer sheet.
He then peeps into other's paper to copy.

After a while the bell rings.
                                                                      Image credit:

3 Years later

Scene 2:

The same guy is completely changed, he is in formals now, he has removed his ear rings, he’s clean shaven, and he’s carrying a laptop entering into his office.
He enters his cubicle turns his PC on and opens the browser and enters

Then the credit rolls out where we say

Some things never change!!!

All ideas and content are owned by the author. You are welcome to share it after giving due credit to the source.

Blind Date

This is a short movie idea which I wrote in a light vein.

In a book store, a guy is reading a magazine, he’s flipping pages and seeing his favorite movie stars.

Right in front of the next rack a beautiful girl is standing. She has a book in her hand but she’s not reading it, but she’s seeing him and smiling.

This guy blushes at first and makes his mind to approach the girl.

He goes near the girl and says, “hey, how about a date” suddenly out of shock she drops the book in her hand.

He gets down to pick the book and he notices that it's actually a Braille book( books read by blinds).

Then he clears his throat, smiles and says, “ how about a blind date??” ;)

Then the credit rolls.

All ideas and content are owned by the author. You are welcome to share it after giving due credit to the source.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

National Flag

This is the third of my short movie ideas.

Sooraj: The kid
Sam : The funky young man


Sam is driving his car and Eminem’s "Please stand up" is being played in his car with loud volume.
The car stops at a traffic signal.

A boy holding miniature Flag pins comes near the window and knocks it. Sam tells him to go away. The boy repetitively knocks the window. Sam gets annoyed and frustrated but finally he takes a five rupee note out of his wallet lowers the window, offers the money and says, “GET LOST” in a loud and harsh tone.

image credit:

The boy with a confident look and a hint of smile on his face, hands over the pin to Sam and says


Dumbstruck by this, he stops the music in his car then the credit rolls.

(Saare jahaan se achha in the background)
Where we pledge
Respect the FLAG

All ideas and content are owned by the author. You are welcome to share it after giving due credit to the source.

Yellow & Black

This was second of my short movie ideas.
There’s a fair going on in an Indian village, where a bunch of people painted in Yellow and Black are doing the traditional Tiger dance.A lady has come to this village along with her little boy to show him the place where she grew up in.

Image credit:

Looking at the dancers, the kid asks,

Kid : who are they?
Mom : They are Tiger dancers.

Kid: why are they painted like that?
Mom: because that is the color of Tigers.

Kid: What is a Tiger?
Mom: It's an animal that used to exist.

Kid: Where are they now?
Mom: !!!

It may be too late,  next generation may not get the chance to even see the REAL TIGERS
So Save Our Tigers

All ideas and content are owned by the author. You are welcome to share it after giving due credit to the source.


This was the first short movie idea that I wrote.

Husband : Shekar
Wife : Priya
Child : Pragathi (meaning progress)
Cleaner boy : Chotu

Scene 1:
A new small car stops with a tire screeching sound in front of a super market.
A cleaner boy Chotu comes near the driver’s seat and offers to clean the windshield for Rs 5.
Shekar accepts that and orders him to clean the car before he comes back from shopping

Meanwhile Priya and Pragathi get down from the back door
Pragathi pesters her mom to play a board game with her, but Priya says that she has some shopping
to do and orders Pragathi to stay inside the car.

Both the parents enter the super market, while Chotu and Pragathi look at each other.

    image credit:

Scene 2:
Both Shekar and Priya come back with lots of bags in their hands.
Shekar looks at the unclean windshield with the yellow cleaning cloth on the bonnet.
Enraged by this Shekar looks for that cleaner boy and he finds both Chotu and Pragathi playing a board game on the stairs of the super market.

He goes near them to scold them but just as he’s about to scold, he sees the game board which's a ‘Scrabble board' on which these letters are made,

Then the credit rolls

We pledge that we have to stop child labor and help as much as we can to educate these children.

All ideas and content are owned by the author. You are welcome to share it after giving due credit to the source.

Short Movie Ideas

I have always admired the power of movies in communicating a message across to people. Though the majority of the movies made are for entertainment, there are certain movies which can have a lasting impression on the viewer. A few years back when I was working at Infosys Limited Bangalore, I got the opportunity to work with the movie making club, where I realized the power of short movies in delivering powerful messages to audiences.

I got the opportunity to act, direct and write for some of the most interesting short movies. Over the next few posts, I'll be posting some of the short movie ideas that I came up with. You are welcome to share it after giving due credit to the source.