Thursday, September 11, 2008

The activity that i would never tire of:

An activity for me is an act which keeps my body or mind or both active.For any activity to last long I should have interest in doing it & my body and/or mind should complement my interest.

At any instance of time the activity I am doing depends on the time, place & the mood I am in.Some of the activities that interests me are reading, browsing, blogging, traveling, cooking, organizing an event, playing football & most importantly sleeping, which relaxes both my mind & body, which have supported all my activities.

Each of the activities have their own importance in my life. Reading & browsing helps me to grow as an individual & know the world around me. Organizing an event improves my managerial skills & my inter personal skills. Cooking, football & traveling refreshes my mind. Blogging serves as a personal diary & helps me to review myself.

Thus every activity has its own importance & for me there cannot be a single activity that I would never be tired of.

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